The SISP program
The STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education, delivered in association with Regional Development Australia, which aims to:
- be the most influential educational STEM program in NSW
- inspire regional school students to study STEM in greater numbers than ever
- build teacher confidence and capacity to deliver integrated STEM education programs, and;
- directly impact the growth and readiness of the STEM workforce for current and future industries.
Through the connection of education and industry, we provide an educational model that engages students, inspires them to study STEM and prepares them for STEM careers.
Regional focus with a global outlook
We look to global best practice for benchmarks, and we apply and improve on them using a coordinated approach at the local level, to increase STEM educational capabilities in regional NSW.
Bird’s-eye view
While we are bullseye focused on the job at hand, we remain informed and thoughtful about the broader issues to ensure contextual and future-focused action is employed.
We inspire young people through our passion and expertise. We build the confidence of regional educators to deliver STEM programs. We provide thought-leadership in the STEM education space through sharing our expertise and insights with the world around us.
Innovative + agile
We are trailblazers. We are open to new and different paths to achieving our objectives. We don’t let obstacles halt us – we find alternate paths in order to take advantage of every opportunity.
We actively and flexibly collaborate and cooperate with schools, industry, partners, government, and all other stakeholders to deliver our programs.
We aim to inspire and educate the next generation of STEM innovators for future-focused industries and industries that may not even exist yet, by challenging them to solve real problems with innovative solutions.
SISP news
Stay updated with the latest Stemp Industry School Partnerships events.
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The Riverina region
The Riverina has the largest expansion of Agri-Tech in NSW and agriculture continues to be the most important area for employment within the Riverina.
Agriculture is a vital part of the economy and the ongoing growth of the region, as this sector employees 12.9% Riverina workforce population)* 2016 Census.
Total employment for the Riverina as at the 2016 Census was 72,168 and The Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing” industry sector was the largest employer, employing 9,991. RDA Riverina’s research shows that the occupation needs for agriculture in our region are changing and many roles are now automated. This creates an increased need for Agri-Tech and especially occupations such as engineers, welders, mechatronics engineers, stainless steelworkers and more!
In 2019 the Murrumbidgee Academy of STEM Excellence (MASE) was formed. This academy has Murrumbidgee Regional High School (MRHS) as the hub and 13 feeder primary schools to MRHS as the spokes. Our MASE artwork was designed to be consistent with current SISP program academies.